Saturday, March 13, 2010

February 26, 2010
Session Ends—Balanced Budget, Annual Sessions and Chinese Language Opportunities for Oregon Students

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Representative Richardson

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that some one is finally laying out for the public to see what the PERS system is costing us. It is not fair, that when you have worked as a state employee, you can retire and make much more than you ever did working. I was born and raised in Oregon and I am fed up with the way the State government has changed over the years. It has become way too big and keeps growing. You pass new taxes, you take federal money to fund jobs that are also considered, "Government" jobs. So in order to keep these jobs going, guess what, raise the taxes for the rest of us. No wonder the state is ready to go bankrupt. I was really upset that 66 and 67 passed. The ads were so missleading, telling people that it was not going to cost them a thing if they made less than $125,000 per year. Only a total idiot would believe that because when costs go up, they are always passed down the line. I feel like it is the people that have been given a free ride at the expense of the tax paying public, and of course the huge number of public employess that voted this kind of stuff in. What is the state going to do when they have bankrupted the honest hardworking tax payers who are paying for all of it? Oregon has it's share of illigal immagrants too. What does it cost to provide interpreters? If some one wants to live here, they should be required to learn English, not the other way around. No one coddled our ancesters when they moved here. They made their own way. It is time to cut waste out of the budgets, and run this state with what is there, not keep asking for more, you are breaking us! We get to vote on taxes once in a while, but you have raised the costs of fishing hunting licenses, vehicle registrations, and the cost to apply for a hunting tag, just to name a few, with no say from us. You raised income taxes for last year, with no say from us. Was that for our own good, just like the Democrats at the Federal level think the health care they are trying to shove down our throats is good for the country too? Balancing the budget should be easy. Like normal people do. Take the amount you have, you can't spend more than that.
